Category: ACA Events

  • NEW ACA MEETING – “Becoming Our True Selves” – Starts 9/19/2022 – CANCELLED

    THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED Greetings Sister & Fellow Travelers, I warmly invite you to Becoming Our True Selves—a meeting of opening to healing by the grace of a power greater than ourselves. As ACA founder Tony A. said:  …healing can and does take place… and… is often propelled by… faith… we are being asked to open ourselves to the healing help of a…

  • September 2022 Traveler Newsletter

    A new month a new issue of The Traveler. You can access and download the September issue of The Traveler on the WSO Web site at this address or by clicking the image below or this link: Remember also the ComLine a blog of inspirational and thought provoking items that is updated twice a…

  • 2022 West Great Lakes ACA Annual Conference – Save the Date

    Planning is underway for the 2022 West Great Lakes ACA Annual Conference. Put Oct 8th, 8:15am – 3:30 in your calendar. Much is in the works including speakers, lunch and other activities. More information will be available soon for now, save the date and, if you can help, give Kathleen A a call at 847-946-0170…

  • Tradition Eight Workshop

    Each month this year the WSO has provided a workshop of each of the Twelve Traditions. This is the eight month and this month the workshop will be on the Eighth Tradition! They have provided an email address to contact for more information. The workshop will be held on Saturday, August 27th at 11:00 am…

  • WSO Provides a “Crafting a Proposal” Workshop

    The time is upon us to start preparing for the next year’s set of proposals to be considered by the fellowship during Annual Business Conference meetings. To prepare for new proposals the WSO is providing a “Crafting a Proposal” workshop on Friday, August 19 at 9:00 AM Central Time and August 28 at noon Central…

  • Ready Set GO!! Sessions for August through September 2022

    New Ready Set GO!! sessions are beginning in August, a morning and an afternoon session. Information about these sessions can be found at the links below. Tuesday, Aug 16, 23, 30, Sept, 6, 13, 20, 2022 – 9:00am CT Thursdays, Aug 18, 25, Sept, 1, 8, 15, 22, 2022 – 7:00pm CT ACA Ready Set…

  • ABC 2022 Audio and Materials for Third Day Meeting

    The audio and materials from the first two days of the 2022 Annual Business Conference are now available online. To review all the materials including: Delegate Binder and Ballot Proposal Information Draft copy of minutes from first two days of the 2022 ABC Audio recordings from the 2 days of deliberation go to Plans…

  • Third day of the 2022 ACA Annual Business Conference has been set

    The ABC was unable to get through all of the business that needed to be conducted this year and instead of adding another day to the weekend it was decided to find a day later this summer to join together to conduct business. A poll was sent out to delegates with some possible dates and…

  • Ready Set GO!! Sessions for May and June 2022

    New Ready Set GO!! sessions are beginning in May, a morning and an afternoon session. Information about these sessions can be found at the links below. Tuesday, May 17, 24, 31, June, 7, 14, 21, 2022 – 9:00am CT Thursdays, May 19, 26, June, 2, 9,16, 23, 2022 – 7:00pm CT ACA Ready Set GO!!…

  • Ready Set GO!! Sessions for March and April 2022

    New Ready Set GO!! sessions are beginning at the end of March, a morning and an afternoon session. Information about these sessions can be found on the ACA World Service Organization calendar at the links below. Monday, March 21, 28, April, 4, 11, 18, 25, 2022 – 9:00am CT Wednesday, March 23, 30, April 6,…

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