West Great Lakes ACA Intergroup

Chicagoland, SE Wisconsin, NW Indiana

Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families

Materials to use during the Conference can be found on this page. Once the conference is completed and we have a chance to process the recordings copies will be found on this page.

Registration Page, Payment, Event Flyer

Event Flyer

The Event Flyer can be found here: https://westgreatlakesaca.org/wp-content/uploads/Final-WGL-ACA-flyer-annual-conf-2022.pdf


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7th Tradition Support of the Annual Conference

To give a 7th Tradition gift to help support the conference please click here.

12 Steps to Healthy Service in ACA

Corresponding Secretary’s Report

This is the Handout Jeff F will be providing during his report: https://westgreatlakesaca.org/wp-content/uploads/Service-Opportunities.pdf

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