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7th Annual Toronto ACA Conference
You are invited to the 7th Annual Toronto ACA Conference, November 5 & 6, 2022. The theme of the conference is ‘It Works If We Work It: Fulfilling the ACA Promises‘ and this will be a virtual event.
We will present four interactive workshops on tools your ACA Fellow Travellers are using to fulfill the ACA Promises in their life.
We will have fun and healing activities throughout the conference, such as live music and sing alongs; dance and movement; meditation and laughter yoga.
Join our Talent/No Talent Show on Sunday November 6 at 3:30 ET
(Register in advance to present by clicking here)
The main workshops will be recorded and posted on our website in audio format only.
Come join us from around the world! Bring your Inner Children, play, learn, heal and have fun!
Registration is open at
You can view or download the conference agenda here.
For questions please email us at
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