Preparing for the AWC on Saturday – Sunday

The schedule has been posted for the Virtual ACA World Convention (AWC). It looks like there will be some very interesting talks. Conducting a virtual meeting like this offers some opportunities that we wouldn’t have available to us in a physical space.

For one, the schedule which you can find here shows that this is truly a global fellowship. A normal schedule (I’m guessing since I’ve never attended the AWC before), would have the participants go to events, have meals, go to sleep, and have some more events. This meeting will apparently follow the sun around the globe, not just in one location. There are speakers scheduled starting at 10AM Eastern Time on Saturday and running every two hours until 10AM Eastern on Sunday, every two hours, including European and Asian offerings in the wee hours of Sunday Morning.

Time to brew up some coffee and prepare for a very interesting marathon!

One last reminder. You will have to register to get the link for the meeting. You can do that here:



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