Ready Set GO!! – Two new sessions added (AM and PM)

Two new sessions of Ready Set GO!! have been added in the AM and the PM. In addition to the May/June Sessions that are currently underway, new sessions have been added for July/August

Ready Set GO!! is an introduction for ACA newcomers to gain clarity and understanding while becoming acquainted with the ACA program, the ACA 12 Steps and the Inner Child in 6 weeks. RSG also supports the experienced member. Ready Set GO!! prepares members for when they will feel ready to go through the ACA 12 Step Workbook.

There is a great deal of excitement this year around the Ready Set GO!! program and literature this year as it moves through the final stages toward publication. These programs are based on that new publication.

AM Sessions

TUESDAYS, MAY 4, 11,18, 25, JUNE 1, 8, 2021 (WEB0458) (TEL0462)
THURSDAYS, JULY 8, 15, 22, 29, AUGUST 5, 12, 2021 (WEB0543) (TEL0472)
10:00am ET, 9:00am CT, 8:00am MT, 7:00am PT

PM Sessions

TUESDAYS, MAY 4, 11, 18, 25, JUNE 1, 8, 2021
THURSDAYS, JULY 8, 15, 22, 29, AUGUST 5, 12, 2021
6:30pm ET, 5:30pm CT, 4:30pm MT, 3:30pm PT

For more information and instruction on how to attend and get materials please click below for the flyer of your choice, either AM or PM (or both).

Click to download flyer for AM Sessions
Click to download flyer for PM Sessions



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