West Great Lakes ACA Intergroup

Chicagoland, SE Wisconsin, NW Indiana

Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families

Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA or ACoA), is an anonymous 12 Step recovery program for individuals who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. ACA is founded on the belief that family dysfunction is a disease that affected us as children and continues to influence us as adults.

What is an “Adult Child”?

An adult child is someone who meets the demands of life with survival techniques learned as children. Without help, we unknowingly operate with ineffective thoughts and judgments that can sabotage our decisions and relationships.

Who Attends our Meetings?

ACA is not limited to those from alcoholic homes. If you identify with traits from this list, ACA may benefit you.

Our members have found ACA helps them recover from the effects of family dysfunction. We encourage you to come to a meeting and read more about ACA.


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