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Audio Files from 2020 AWC Are Now Available and FREE!
The audio files from the 2020 ACA World Convention (AWC) are now available in the Adult Children store. This year the event was virtual and ran for a solid 26 hours from 10 in the morning on Saturday through Noon on Sunday. Leadership was shared all around the globe with recovery stories, skits, presentations, goings on at the WSO and service opportunities. Each presentation is now available as an audio file in the Adult Children store.

And did I say free? Enjoy!
Personally, while I represented the Intergroup at this year’s meeting I am looking forward to listening again to the presentations. Truthfully, I didn’t retain a whole lot from those 2:00 AM sessions! You will find the audio files in the store and you will go through the check out process but don’t worry, while it looks like you are checking out of the store and will need your credit card, once you are done the charge will be $0.00. You can then download the files immediately or you will receive an email with the links.
— Jeff F, Intergroup Corresponding Secretary and
Intergroup Rep to the Annual Business Conference.
You can find the audio files here:
Intergroup Information
National/Global ACA Information
Recovery Resources