Libertyville Monday Night ACoA Group – 31st Anniversary – April 22, 2019

It’s Our 31st Anniversary!

When: Monday, April 22, 2019 at 7 p.m.
Where: St. Lawrence Episcopal Church, 125 W. Church St, Libertyville
Speaker: Rick Atwater, MS, LCPC

This is an open meeting, which means everyone is welcome. If you are a member of a 12 Step group, have a family member or friend in a 12 Step program, or is somebody who heard about ACoA and wants to check it out, this is the event for you.

First, Rick Atwater, MS, LCPC, will speak about the 12 Steps and ACA recovery. Rick is very knowledgeable about ACA issues because he has been assisting people with their emotional and spiritual growth since 1972 in various settings from hospitals and agencies to private practice.

Additionally, Rick lectures nationwide, has been published nationally and founded the Heroin Awareness Foundation.

Rickโ€™s approach is direct and current behavior oriented. He supports the use of the twelve step programs where appropriate. Rick will also answer questions.

Second, weโ€™ll have a party with refreshments to celebrate our group being together and helping support each other in recovery for 31 years.

Please join us!

Yours in program, Don M.

P.S. This is a terrific opportunity to catch up with old friends.

Libertyville Monday Night Adult Children of Alcoholics and other dysfunctional families

St. Lawrence Church, 125 W. Church St., Libertyville, IL
Meets every Monday at 7 p.m.
(Park behind church and enter through double doors, proceed to basement)

Visit our website:

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Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? – Mary Norman



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