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Share your Opinion on Fellowship Name
A perennial concern for Adult Children of Alcoholics has been that the name has tended to make people exclude themselves from the program if they did not grow up in a family with an alcoholic. Even though the subtitle on the cover of our Big Red Book says “Alcoholic / Dysfunctional Families” the name ACA or Adult Children of Alcoholics seem to exclude people who would benefit greatly from the program. A committee has been working on how a name change would help Adult Children to find there way to recovery. The committee has created a survey about naming that they are making available this month (May 2023). We all have the opportunity to share our two cents.
On the front page of the WSO website, you will find a link to the survey. It includes some thoughts that they committee are considering as well as other questions.

Intergroup Information
National/Global ACA Information
Recovery Resources