Updating and Viewing Your Meeting information

The Adult Children website maintains an extensive list of meetings all over the world with times and locations and contact persons. To find your meeting or one where you are traveling you can go to https://adultchildren.org/meeting-search/ and enter your search criteria and your meeting and all those that match what you’ve entered will be listed. If you are the Contact Person for that meeting you have the ability to update that information yourself and keep your meeting information fresh and available.

For years the West Great Lakes ACA Intergroup website has also provided meeting information for all the meetings in our area. This has has taken an inordinate amount of time to keep up to date and accurate. We have recently realized that we are duplicating the work that is already being done at adultchildren.org. This reduces the amount of time we have to communicate with people and groups in our area about Recovery opportunities and events.

Over the next few weeks you should start to see some changes at https://westgreatlakesaca.org. We will begin eliminating the extensive meeting information on our website and promoting the information that is on WSO site. We will still have updates when there are meeting changes that everyone should know and inform visitors of any events in our area and beyond, but for regular meeting information we will start to point visitors to https://adultchildren.org/meeting-search/.

Because of this change we are asking every meeting in our area to go to the Adult Children meeting search page and check your information. Make sure your day, time, place and content are correct. If anything needs to be changed please use the link at the top of the page for the “self-service update feature.” If it has been a while since you’ve made any changes you might need to update the identity and email address of your contact person.

Thanks so much for your help. Whenever there is a change to your meeting information please think first of adultchildren.org first and then of West Great Lakes. Having the Adult Children site up to date will centralize where our fellow travelers need to go to find a meeting. Please also let secretary@westgreatlakesaca.org know about any changes as well. While we will no longer be updating maps and brochures we will have a running list of changes to help keep our folk informed.



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