Category: 2020 ACA Events

  • July, August, and September Sessions of Ready, Set, GO!! have been set.

    Please see the attached flyer for Ready, Set, GO!! information for Sessions starting July 27.

  • Updating and Viewing Your Meeting information

    The Adult Children website maintains an extensive list of meetings all over the world with times and locations and contact persons. To find your meeting or one where you are traveling you can go to and enter your search criteria and your meeting and all those that match what you’ve entered will be listed.…

  • Sydney Unity Day Announcement

    Now that so many ACA events are being conducted online due to the requirements to be socially distant and avoid large crowds it creates some opportunities that we would have otherwise not been able to take advantage of. Sidney Unity Day is just such an opportunity. We’ve received notice that the Sydney Intergroup, yes, that…

  • Audio Files from 2020 AWC Are Now Available and FREE!

    The audio files from the 2020 ACA World Convention (AWC) are now available in the Adult Children store. This year the event was virtual and ran for a solid 26 hours from 10 in the morning on Saturday through Noon on Sunday. Leadership was shared all around the globe with recovery stories, skits, presentations, goings…

  • July Edition of The Traveler

    The Traveler has been published for July. The Traveler Newsletter is an email publication, scheduled to be released at the beginning of each month, which highlights ACA service announcements, news and recovery events. You can sign up to get your copy “hot-off-the-press” on the ACA WSO website at Meanwhile you can see the July…

  • An Open Letter To The West Great Lakes Fellowship concerning ACA meetings on Facebook

    The InterGroup has received a complaint about an ACA Facebook interaction. Specifically, an ACAer elected to share something personal on the ACA Facebook site. The result was bullying by several people also on this Facebook site. The ACAer felt humiliated, manipulated, and did not receive the support they were looking for. While the InterGroup [IG]…

  • John D, Virtual Presentation on June 27th @ 10:00am CST

    Midwest Regional Committee is spreading the word that IN Recovery Intergroup, serving Central Indiana and Fort Wayne, is presenting a live speaker event via Zoom, featuring John D.Those of you who attended the 2019 West Great Lakes ACA Intergroup Annual Conference in October will remember that John D was our morning speaker.John is an ACA…

  • The Traveler for June 2020 has been published

    Please click below for this month’s “The Traveler” newsletter from the ACA World Service Organization. As always you can receive your own copy “hot off the press” directly from the WSO by subscribing at:

  • New Ready Set GO!! Dates and Materials for June through October

    It is incredible to see how the Ready Set GO!! program has matured since it was first introduced. There are new presentations and audio files to introduce those interested and the workbook, while still under development is maturing as well. New dates have been added through the fall, with sessions starting in June, July and…

  • Ready Set GO!! Materials have been updated

    The draft materials for Ready Set Go are no longer available for direct download from our web site, however, a new welcome flyer is now available which points to new introductory material as well as how to get materials as you prepare to attend Ready Set GO!! You can download the flyer from the link…

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